VIDEO | Is This Chris Weidman Calling Anderson Silva a “Piece of Shit”

If you’ve watched the most recent UFC Pay Per View, we don’t need to tell you that Chris Weidman knocked Anderson Silva the F$#k out. Many people have speculated that Silva may have ‘thrown’ the fight because he just doesn’t want to be the champion anymore. This of course makes a lot of sense considering how long Silva has been the champion, and his age.

Whether or not he threw the fight, we have seen similar behaviors in a fight before. Him baiting his opponent to attack, leaving his hands down and leaning his back against the fence; however we don’t really know if he threw the fight.

If you look closely at the video it appears that the Weidman says: “that disrespectful piece of shit” right after knocking The Spider out. Whether he was saying it because he believes Silva threw the fight or he said it because of the way Silva taunted him during the fight.

Anyway, check this video out. You may be able to do it even if you aren’t a lip reader.

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