I feel a great piece of training gear every fighter needs is a good pair of MMA compression shorts. Most people wear one with a cup pocket for regular training and the can come in handy. Many athletes wear compression shorts and they can be seen featured in many sports. Compression gear is popular for training because it helps you stay dry and isn’t loose hanging so it doesn’t get in the way. It also makes you more aerodynamic when you fight like shaving your armpits. You will find that a lot of this gear can be plain or without much design, and that is because a lot of fighters end up wearing compression gear under their gear in competition. However many fighters are known for their signature compression shorts, long or short cut.
Compression Shorts for MMA Training
Not all compression shorts are meant to be cup holders however either will work for regular compression. I just don’t recommend trying to put a cup in a pair of compression shorts that don’t have a cup pocket. Many MMA fighters wear compression gear even under their regular MMA shorts there are typically a pair of compression shorts. A pair of compression shorts can help hold your cup in place if you are wearing a support under them. Sometimes when wearing a pair of compression shorts with a cup pocket can leave you with a cup that just won’t stay where you want. However if you have a supporter and wear a pair of compression shorts over that, typically you get a more snug fit and a cup that stays in place. If you get to training a lot you will find out what works best for you in different situations. Compression shorts, along with helping you hold everything in place can help your performance as well. Many of them are made from a drying material that can even provide you with better grip, hello triangle choke. Some fighters prefer not to wear skin tight clothes and will wear regular MMA fight shorts over their compression gear.
Best MMA Compression Shorts
Diamond MMA Compression Shorts 
I believe Diamond MMA makes one of the best cups for MMA and their compressions shorts are the perfect match. These Diamond MMA compression shorts have a 4 strap jock system designed to hold a cup in place. The fit is excellent and these shorts are really comfortable. You can order these with or without a cup.
I really like the snug fit and I feel these shorts offer a superior fit to many of the cheaper brands. You can get the shorts for about $60 which is a great investment on something that should last you a long while. There are certain areas of training you don’t want to cheap out on and these shorts are quality that lasts.
Hayabusa Compression Shorts
Another solid piece of gear by Hayabusa like many we have seen before. I’m sure you have seen many MMA fighters rocking a pair of Hayabusa fight shorts or compression shorts. They are very popular for a good reason. They fit great and they help you stay dry during training. This pair comes with a pocket for your cup and does a great job of holding the cup in place without making the fit awkward.
If you are looking to spend a few extra bucks to get something that is going to last you a while you should check out this pair. These MMA compression shorts are really comfortable have been designed not to shift or ride up. If you are looking to use the same gear the professionals train with, this is it. Many UFC fighters rock their Hayabusa gear and have helped make this a very popular brand for MMA training gear.
Jaco Leverage Compression Shorts
A while ago when I was first getting into training someone talked me into buying a pair of compression shorts for MMA training and I ended up getting a pair of Jaco Compression shorts. They really make a quality pair of shorts that is great for regular training or even competition. I’ve only seen these in black or white, but I have something against all white shorts, especially tight ones.
These shorts do not come with a cup pocket and are meant to be worn over your regular athletic supporter. I have also seen a lot of Muay Thai fighters wearing these shorts. Whatever sport you train this is a good piece of athletic gear. You can get this pair of shorts in all adult sizes for under $40. These will definitely last you a long time, I still have my old pair in one piece.
Shock Doctor Compression Shorts with Cup
One of the more popular brands in protective gear for sports, Shock Doctor is a recognizable name in the cup check game. These compression shorts are great for all around training and the included Shock Doctor carbon flex cup is a nice bonus. Shock Doctor makes affordable gear for athletes and these shorts will definitely give you quality at a reasonable price. The design for the shorts provides a great fit with an awesome ability to breathe.
These compression shorts come in black or white in all adults sizes. These shorts are guaranteed to help you stay dry when training as well as keep your nuts safe. If you are on a budget and you need a cup, this is a great buy. Great for beginners or seasoned athletes who are on a budget. You can get this pair of compression shorts with a cup for around $30. They also make some great and affordable mouth guards.
Meister MMA Compression Shorts
We are a big fan of Meister MMA gear here. They make some good quality gear and it is never ridiculously priced like some of these big names ask you to pay. This pair of MMA compression shorts is great for general training because it comes with a cup pocket. Whether you are using for your athletic support or the compression, these shorts will prove a great fit. They are very flexible and will help you to stay dry during some intense training.
These compression shorts come in in all adult sizes in the color black. You can wear these to fit your cup, or as regular shorts for training or competition. I recommend checking out some of the other gear Meister MMA offers for training. You can get these shorts for around $20 and have some money left over to get yourself an MMA cup. There is no cup included with these shorts
Sub Sport Dual Compression Shorts
This is a great option for a pair of non cup shorts. Something to keep in your gym bag for certain occasions. These shorts will help you stay dry during a long day of striking or grappling training. They are even great for working out, some people claim the compression helps blood flow to the legs. This is a general athletics brand and isn’t specifically made for MMA athletes but I have used this brand and it is very good quality compression.
If you are looking for something to hold you cup in place this is not the pair for you. Great for all around compression but it is not designed for a cup. These come in adult sizes S – XXL and is offered in several different colors. You can get a decent pair of shorts for around $20 that will last you through some tough MMA training.
Keeping Your Nuts Safe
Remember to wear a cup when training combat sports. Striking and grappling can cause unwanted damage to the boys if you don’t lock them up. I always carry an extra pair of compression shorts with a cup just in case. You can check out our article on the best MMA cup to get the best info on keeping your junk protected. There are many great options some cheaper and less durable than others, but you should always shop in your budget and get things that fit your level of training. There is no point in dropping hundreds of dollars on MMA gear once you get started. I recommend to everyone take your time when buying gear pieces. Get the things you need first and all of the extra stuff can wait.
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