MMA Heavy Bags
Heavy bags are a great way to practice your striking as well as work on your conditioning. Heavy bags offer resistance which can help simulate punching a real opponent. The average heavy bag weight is around 100lb and they have been used for many years for boxing and kickboxing training. Many people have a heavy bag hanging somewhere around their house used for exercise, and to practice the old 1-2 every now and then. You can get a good quality heavy bag for your home without breaking the bank. There are many options under $100 if you have a place to hang the bag. Some bags can easily go onto stands or racks built for the heavy bag. You can mount them to the ceiling, the wall, you can even hang it from a tree. If you have no place to hang it you’ll want to consider one with a stand. The weight is something else to consider, 100lb can be a lot of weight if you need to move it around or you are just a small or light person.
There are many options for heavy bags and they all have their own differences. Some people prefer different materials for conditioning, some people only use leather so it will last. Unless you are putting some full time effort into the bag you won’t need to worry much about that because all heavy bags are pretty durable to begin with.
Five MMA Heavy Bags under $100
Everlast Omni 80lb MMA Bag
This MMA training bag is great all around and offers some unique features. The handles on the side help you grip if you are working some clinch moves likes knees and elbows. The can also help if you are picking up the bag and slamming it down. I have seen a special mount for this bag that allowed you to drop it all the way down to the floor for some grownd and pound practice. The bottom has an extra padded area with a canvas outer shell. A lot of fighters prefer to condition their shins on canvas bags.
For about $90 you can get this awesome Everlast bag. It is only 80lb but it is very versatile. I have used it for many different exercises and circuits in the gym. It is made with synthetic leather along with a canvas portion at the bottom. It is really durable and made to last. The C3 foam padding at the bottom offers a really sturdy base for harder shots which can help your conditioning.
Century Heavy Bag
Century has been making great Martial Arts gear for a while and this heavy bag is definitely a great buy. This bag is 100lb and has a durable vinyl shell. The bag is also supported by chains which last much longer than most of the alternatives. This is definitely a bag that will last through heavy rounds of striking. You can take your workout to the next level with this 100lb MMA training bag that is built to take some punishment.
This one is great to hang outside on a tree because it is pretty weather resistant, or you can keep it in the garage with those dumbells you never lift. If you are looking for a bag that is going to last you for a long time, this is a great investment. You might need to spend a little more for a rack or a mounting system, but this bag will last for many years.
Century MMA Diamond Tech Training Bag
Here is another great item by Century. This Diamond Tech MMA training bag is great for all around training, and it is also great for intense workouts. The Diamond Tech Vinyl shell is really durable and offers a great impact surface. This bag comes in 70lbs and 100lbs right around $100. This is a great piece out of the Century MMA line, and I have always liked their bags.
The straps for this bag are very durable and look like they will last. You can get this bag at a great price however you will need to find something to mount it on. This goes great with a heavy bag stand and century makes some good quality stands. I have enjoyed the items out of the Century Diamond Tech line, the gloves are really nice and this bag goes great with them.
Title Boxing Aero Heavy Bag
If you are looking for something a little lighter or a little cheaper, this is an easier option. The lighter bag will be easier to manage if you plan on moving it, or you are not sure about where you are going to put it. This Title Classic heavy bag is a great bag for striking training and practicing technique. This bag comes in 60 or 70lbs and comes equipped with chains to hang it. I always prefer the chains because they will last longer, and are much better for outdoor use.
You can get this bag for around $70 and you are guaranteed that excellent Title quality. The bag has a foam lining which helps it keep its shape. This bag is great for boxing and kickboxing, and will suit your needs for MMA training. This is a great option if you are on a budget. MMA training can get expensive, and there can be a lot of gear that you need to purchase. You will need to get a stand for this unless you have somewhere else to hang it.
Everlast 70lb Heavy Bag Kit
If you have a spot to hang this bad boy, it is a great deal with some extra equipment. Everlast has been making Heavy Bags for years and they have some quality products at an affordable price. This Everlast bag is great for MMA or striking training, and it also comes with some helpful equipment. You get a pair of MMA hand wraps as well as a pair of boxing gloves. That’s about $30 you saved if you needed to buy gloves to use this bag. It also comes with a bungee cord which can be attached to the bottom for additional resistance.
This bag is 70lb with a polycanvas design. It comes with a pair of 108″ hand wraps as well as some heavy bag gloves. This one requires you have a place to mount it, whether you use a rack or the ceiling. This is a great deal for around $75, and you get a lot of extras.
MMA Heavy Bag Workout
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