Mixed Martial Arts is an ever popular, ever growing sport. Many people including Dana White will tell you that MMA is on its way to becoming the world’s most popular sport. With the growth of the sport, we are seeing an increase in companies that make MMA gear. We want to help you find cheap MMA gear. Now you can find many great companies that make excellent gear for training, practice, sparring, and competition. However, with many gear companies popping up you may run into some less than great companies.
Buying Cheap MMA Gear
For people who are just getting into the sport may not be aware of how much gear you actually need. If your gym doesn’t offer loaner gear you could end up dropping a lot of money on MMA gear. Where do you start? What do you buy? It is important to understand what you need and when you need it. While you may not need every piece of gear right away you should make plans to buy it. The most important things you need right away include your mouth guard and a cup. Most gyms require you have a mouth guard and a cup before you can take part in grappling or striking training. You can spend as little as a few dollars on a mouth guard and around 10 to 15 dollars on a cup with a supporter.
You don’t need to go all out on training clothes, most people get by with a T shirt and regular gym shorts. MMA shorts can get pretty costly, but you can get a similar effect with regular surf or board shorts that are made for swimming. These are preferred over gym shorts because they don’t retain as much water and they breath easily. However, there are a lot of options for low cost MMA shorts Just make sure you have an MMA cup on when you are grappling.
Your standup sparring gear is where you may sped the most money. I would recommend getting your boxing gloves and shin guards before anything else. Head gear is really important too when you start making head contact or start sparring a little harder. Don’t let yourself get fooled by the fancy looking gear with cool designs or colors. A lot of the gear is pretty much made in the same countries and don’t offer many differences. Unless you are made of money you can save hundreds of dollars by getting the cheaper, less flashy gear. You can get almost all of the pieces you need under one hundred dollars. There are quality pieces of cheap MMA gear out there, you just have to find them.
Typically the first thing people buy when they want to start training Mixed-Martial Arts is MMA gloves. You will see that a lot in the gym, someone comes in and wants to train MMA and all they have are a pair of MMA gloves. MMA gloves are usually the last thing you need because most people rarely train in them. Some people work on the heavy bag with their MMA gloves but it is usually advised against unless you are breaking in a pair of gloves or you are preparing for an upcoming fight and getting used to wearing the gloves. Sometimes they are used when practicing ground and pound but usually safety is stressed and you go light. Most of your standup sparring and even heavy bag work will call for boxing gloves. The reason being, boxing gloves weigh an average of 16 oz while MMA gloves are 4 oz.
Shop around when looking for your gear, look online, check thrift stores. Don’t assume the sporting good store has everything you need for the best price. Also most MMA Gyms have a high markup on their own products, so you may not get a very good price there.
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