This is a great gym bag for a great price. The TITLE Boxing MMA gym bag stood out to me because it offered a very durable bag for around $20. Most gym bags in that price range usually can’t hold a lot of gear for a long time. I have ripped through plenty of bags with heavy sweaty gear and plenty of use. The bag is made out of a durable 1260 ripstop honeycomb nylon and had many great features. Like everything TITLE makes, this thing is built to last. You can tell by the thick nylon and the large zippers, this thing is a solid bag. I have no problems carrying all of my training gear with some extra gym bag clutter. I am really a fan of the two huge wet/dry pockets on the sides. This bag is very spacious and offers a few pockets to help you organize things. If you are training MMA, chances are you have to carry around a lot of gear. With any martial art, there is usually a lot of protective training gear you should have with you at all times. This bag will help you carry all your gear and more.
TITLE Boxing MMA Gym Bag
I like this gym bag because it offers plenty of storage. The main compartment opens with a full C-shape zipper and has two large wet/dry size pockets. On the face there is a pocket for a water bottle, another similar size pocket with a velcro flap, and the center pocket which is larger and has a zipper. I like all of the storage for small things like mouth guards, keys, phones, hand wraps, etc. The size pockets are good for taking your sweaty gear home from the gym.
I like to use the front pockets for my drinks. It easily fits water bottles, and I can fit my shaker cups inĀ either pocket no problem. You will notice that the strap on this bag is very durable too. Often times when a gym bag gets heavy, it becomes a make or break moment for the strap. The shoulder strap on mine has held up for quite some time now.
Like I said, you can get this bag for around $20 and it will definitely last you quite some time. I’ve had mine over 2 years now and it is still pretty solid. If you are just getting into MMA training there is probably plenty of other gear you need to buy so don’t blow your load on the most expensive gym bag. I’ve seen guys pulling $10 gloves out of their $150 bags and I just don’t get it. You should also check out some of the other gear TITLE MMA has to offer. You can also see other MMA gym bags listed.
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