OMG another MMA fighter smokes weed. Who cares?

No, no we’re not talking about Nick Diaz this time. In a recent interview Anthony “Sharkbait” Guitierrez admits to smoking weed. Holy shit, right? That’s the craziest f**king thing I have ever heard. Pretty soon we will hear about MMA fighters testing positive for the hardcore drugs. We have got to shut this gateway down. Its a big deal every time an MMA fighter smokes weed.

I’m sure plenty of professional fighters smoke weed from time to time. Some aren’t afraid to admit it, some might be concerned for their career which is cool too. If you’ve ever smoked a bowl after a hard day of training or working out you will know, its like the best thing ever. Sure there are plenty of other reasons to smoke but it is also very relaxing. I mean, its better than taking aspirin or ibuprofen. Plenty of fighters drink alcohol and no one cares, and that shit is bad for you.

We are slowly legalizing marijuana for medical as well as recreational use so really, what’s the big deal? We should be focusing on PEDs and not THC. I feel so stupid when I hear people talking about weed like it is a terrible thing and we all drift away from the fact it grows in the ground, naturally. It really is comical having this weed taboo where everyone clenches their asshole when they hear the word “joint.”

I wish more MMA fighters who smoke weed didn’t have to hide it. Then we could all roll up a couple fatties and watch  UFC 420 together. Shoot, we could even invite Josh Rosenthal to make sure everyone passes fairly.


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Matt Riddle Weed UFC

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